Submit a fictional short story under 808 words, as an MS Word doc or PDF. Stories that exceed the word count will be disqualified.
Please put your contact details in the Author Information box, but do not put your name on the file itself.
Contest is open to all HPU undergraduate students. Please submit only one story per year. Stories must be the author’s own original creation.
Finalists will be chosen by contest organizers, and the winner will be chosen by a special guest judge.
Submissions will be accepted during the month of February. Winners will be announced in late March.
Winner will receive $808 in scholarships.
Submit a nonfiction essay under 808 words, as an MS Word doc or PDF. Essays that exceed the word count will be disqualified.
Please put your contact details in the Author Information box, but do not put your name on the file itself.
Contest is open to all HPU undergraduate students. Please submit only one essay per year. Essays must be the author’s own original creation.
Finalists will be chosen by contest organizers, and the winner will be chosen by a special guest judge.
Submissions will be accepted during the month of February. Winner will be announced in late March.
Winner will receive $808 in scholarships.
Submit one poem under 808 words, as an MS Word doc or PDF. Pieces that exceed the word count will be disqualified.
Please put your contact details in the Author Information box, but do not put your name on the file itself.
Contest is open to all HPU undergraduate students. Please submit only one poem per year. Poems must be the author’s own original creation.
Finalists will be chosen by contest organizers, and the winner will be chosen by a special guest judge.
Submissions will be accepted during the month of February. Winner will be announced in late March.
Winner will receive $808 in scholarships.