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Submit your short fiction here.

Wanderlust considers all kinds of short fiction for publication in the magazine. We do work with a limited number of pages, so shorter pieces do have a higher rate of acceptance. Please submit each piece separately.

Only HPU undergraduates are eligible for submission. Please include a short biography of yourself (2-3 sentences).


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Submit your poetry here. Please submit each poem seperately. 

Wanderlust considers all kinds of poetry for publication in the magazine. We do work with a limited number of pages, so shorter pieces do have a higher rate of acceptance.

Only HPU undergraduates are eligible for submission. Please include a short biography of yourself (2-3 sentences).

Submit your creative nonfiction here.

Wanderlust considers all kinds of nonfiction for publication in the magazine. We do work with a limited number of pages, so shorter pieces do have a higher rate of acceptance. Please submit each piece separately.

Only HPU undergraduates are eligible for submission. Please include a short biography of yourself (2-3 sentences).

Submit your artwork here.

Wanderlust considers photographs and other forms of visual art for publication in its magazine. We publish only black-and-white pieces in the magazine's interior. Please submit only monochromatic images to this category.

You may submit full-color versions of the same artwork to the Cover Art category.

Only HPU undergraduates are eligible for submission.

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Submit your artwork here.

Wanderlust usually prints a full-color front and back cover, consisting of one or two images.

Our cover is 6"x9". Please submit images with roughly appropriate dimensions. We sometimes are able to make wraparound covers (12"x9") as well. 

Please submit digital images for consideration. (You don't need to add any titles or text; we will do so after the fact, should your image be accepted.)

Feel free to submit black-and-white versions of the same images to the Black & White Visual Art category.

Only HPU undergraduates are eligible for submission.
